Story behind

It all started during a cold afternoon... like everything does in Finland. Our co-founder Jaro was trying to understand why young players have so many stress fractures in the lumbar spine even they are being monitored and evaluated all the time. The biggest reason is the lack of data and incomplete big picture. Health data is missing, scattered in various data bases and systematic follow-up is not there.

Disorganized health data creates risks and it prevents from reaching the highest potential. People have never been this mobile as today while at the same time their health data is split all over.

Maybe it is time to change this?

Our values

Our core values set the light for our path so that we would always remember what is important.

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People should know who has access to their health data and what type of records are being made. It is their data. Not ours.

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Do the right thing

Everyone knows what is the right thing to do. It is the execution that separates the value driven makers from others.

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We work fast and effectively so that our customers can focus on their issues. Not in ours.

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We work continuously with white hat hackers to improve our security levels so that our customers can sleep well at night.