What is the purpose of Heely?
Heely wants to democratize health data and bring health related information back to its owners
Heely wants to democratize health data and bring health related information back to its owners
Like many companies today, also Heely was established to meet a purpose. Of course we are here not only to do good but the main driver for the things we do is driven by values. By genuine purpose to do something that is beyond money.
have stress fractures in the lumbar spine. This was especially true for young players. If so many people have this, what could we do to prevent this? And to be precise, could we do something to prevent young players from having stress fractures?
He started to think about the mandatory health inspections. If they are already mandatory and they are done once a year, why can’t we identify these fractures? Why do we miss them when doing the inspections? Despite the routine of checking players once a year, a lot of the health problems seem to be missed or not taken care of. And it sure cannot be because teams don’t care as they are the ones who carry the biggest risks related to the players.
Heely was launched in 2022 as a result of years of analysis and research. The purpose of Heely is to democratize health data. To bring back ownership of health data to people it belongs to, and while doing this, improve health data management. So what does that mean?
We have built a platform that enables sharing and owning of health data. The users manage their accounts and therefore they decide what is being stored or shared from their databases. They manage who has access to their data and who can make changes to their files. Sounds like this is nothing new?
In a way it is not, and then again it is. Today all health data is scattered in various databases which makes it difficult to get an overview of the person’s situation. As the data is distributed all around, no one really knows what is the actual situation of that person. And this is the reality in 2023 when the world has never been more mobile while at the same time interest towards people’s health has never been greater.
Heely is built so that it does not only cover a person's current health but it includes historical health as well. It enables collecting and combining health and performance data so that the person’s potential can be shown. In addition, it enables fast and effective data sharing in a way that is not available anywhere else. Managing access control has never been this easy when data owners govern access rights.
Heely is built so that it does not only cover a person's current health but it includes historical health as well. It enables collecting and combining health and performance data so that the person’s potential can be shown. In addition, it enables fast and effective data sharing in a way that is not available anywhere else. Managing access control has never been this easy when data owners govern access rights.
“Heely is built so that it does not only cover a person's current health but it includes historical health as well. It enables collecting and combining health and performance data so that the person’s potential can be shown.”
Heely’s architecture makes it easy to collect anonymous comparison data. It can be collected and analyzed in multiple ways. With more than 200 data points collected per user, the opportunities are endless. And this is done without jeopardizing the user’s privacy.
As described above, Heely is all about improving transparency and making peoples’ potential visible. It is built on an idea that people govern their own data and can manage it. Why are we so worried about commercial use of our online behavioral data but health data is still owned by service providers? It is time to end the era of closed systems and enter into a world of effortless but secure health data sharing. This is not only for the benefit of people but more over for the benefit of the whole ecosystem when the valuable data is not behind closed bars.